Some very interesting facts:......
- The average cell phone contains more bacteria tha n a toilet seat.
- Men has nipples,because as an embryo,everyone is a female until a y chromosome kicks in.
- Continous farting for 6 years and 9 months will produce energy equal to atom bomb.
- You see your nose all times,but your brain chooses to ignore it.
- Both hitler nad osama werw announced dead on 1 may.
- It would take about 100 years to watch every video on youtube.
- 99%people backspace their password when they just mess up one letter.
- 90% people wet the toothbrush after applying the toothpaste.
- For avery short period of time,you were the youngest person in the world.
- Most commom lie on internet:
- I have read and agree to the terms of service .
- Yes,i am over 18 years old.
- Status:offline.
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